

證書執照類中英文單詞對照 當前位置:首頁 >  翻譯知識

戶口簿  Household Certificate

  戶籍謄本  Household Certificate Transcript

  身分證  ID card

  出生證明書  Birth Certificate

  生父認領同意書  Biological Fathers Agreement to Acknowledgement

  約定書  Agreement

  收養書約  Agreement to Adoption

  終止收養書約  Agreement to Adoption Termination

  結婚證書  Marriage Certificate

  外館認證單身證明  Single Status Document Authenticated by a R.O.C. Embassy

  中譯本  Chinese Translation

  離婚協議書  Divorce Agreement

  法院判決書  Courts Written Judgment

  法院確定書  Courts Statement of Final Verdict

  監護約定書  Agreement to Guardianship

  死亡證明書  Death Certificate

  相驗書  Coroners Report

  單獨立戶證明文件  Required Documentation for Establishment of a New Household

  公證之租賃契約書  Notarized Rental Contract/ Agreement

  委托書  Letter of Proxy

  同意書  Agreement

  退伍令  Military Service Discharge Order

  照片  Photograph/Photo

  印章  Seal/Chop/Stamp

  外教  Foreign teacher

  訴訟和解書  Statement of Settlement

  房屋所有權狀  House Title Deed

  水、電、瓦斯費收據  Public Utilities Payment

  電費  Power Bill

  水費  Water Bill

  瓦斯費  Gas Bill

  電話費  Telephone Bill

  護照  Passport

  入境證  Entry Card

  入境章戳  Entry Stamp

  居留證/定居證  Resident Certificate

  有效的外僑居留證  Valid Alien Resident Certificate

  外僑永久居留證  Alien Permanent Resident Certificate

  居留證明書/入出國證明書/無國籍或喪失國籍證明  Certificate of Statelessness or Deprivation of the Original Nationality

  財產或專業技能證明  Certificate of Enough Property or Professional Skill

  建筑執照  Construction Permit

  房屋稅單  House Tax Statement

  契稅  Deed Tax

  建物使用執照  Building Use Permit

  貼有相片之畢業證書  Diploma with Photo/Graduation Certificate with Photo

  規費  Processing Fees

  歸化國籍證書費  Naturalization Certificate Fee

  歸化國籍測試報名費  Naturalization Test Fee

  拍照服務費  The Charge for Photo Service

  結/離婚證明書  Marriage/Divorce Certificate

  外國專家證  Foreign Expert

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