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‘Manager’ vs. ‘manger’


Here’s one that spell-check won’t catch: Hastily typing “manger” instead of “manager.”




It’s a highly common mistake because of the frequency of the word on a typical résumé, Dana Leavy-Detrick, a résumé coach with Brooklyn Resume Studio, told Business Insider.




Of course, “manger” is a perfectly valid word to put on your résumé, so long as your job experience includes work at a horse stable.






Way too many people flub the spelling of “definitely” on their résumés, incorrectly spelling it “definately,” Redick told Business Insider.






For some reason, a lot of Leavy-Detrick’s clients have trouble getting their i’s and e’s straight, she told Business Insider. “Implement” is the proper spelling, not “impliment.”






Another common mistake résume-writers make is adding an extra e to judgment, spelling it “judgement,” Redick said.




While the spelling technically isn’t incorrect, the “judgement” is almost exclusively used in British English.




‘Identify’ vs. ‘identity’


Leavy-Detrick says she catches some job-hunters saying “identity” on their résumés when they mean “identify.”




‘Affect’ vs. ‘effect’


How to distinguish “affect” from “effect” can be difficult even for highly educated English speakers, and the usage error pops up time and time again on résumés, Leavy-Detrick told Business Insider.




Simply put, “affect” is almost always used as a verb, as in, “The weather affected my plans.” Meanwhile, “effect” is generally used as a noun, as in, “The diet pills did not have an effect.”


簡(jiǎn)單來(lái)說(shuō),“affect”幾乎總是做動(dòng)詞使用,比如:“The weather affected my plans.(天氣影響了我的計(jì)劃。)”而“effect”則通常做名詞使用,比如,“The diet pills did not have an effect.(這些減肥藥沒(méi)有效果。)”


‘Ensure’ vs. ‘insure’


Another pair of words people have trouble distinguishing between is “ensure” and “insure,” Leavy-Detrick said.




To “ensure” something is to make sure that something is the case.


To “ensure” something意思是確定事情是這樣的。


To “insure” is to provide or obtain insurance.


To “insure”指的是提供或獲得保障。


‘Complement’ vs. ‘compliment’


Here’s another case of homophones doing us in. “Complement” and “compliment” are pronounced identically, but mean totally different things.




“Complement,” when used as a verb,” means to complete or enhance something by adding something else. A “compliment,” on the other hand, is a nice remark.



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